Book a Service/Repair

Quick Supplier Search

Choose your booking method

For routine servicing and maintenance you can contact your local franchised dealer directly. They will be able to confirm the next available appointment based on your requirements.

My Vehicle

Please note that whilst some suppliers have availability at weekends, we are unable to book weekend appointments through this portal. If a weekend is more convenient for you please contact the garage directly.

Your vehicle

This is not my vehicle

Due to the Tesla processes of booking service and maintenance, please use the Tesla app for any requests of this nature. For MOTs please continue to book via the Lex portal.

Select the service you require*
Providing an accurate odometer reading allows us to recommend the most appropriate servicing for your vehicle.

Supplier search

Please enter the postcode where you would like your service.

Distance: Miles
Availability from:
Call direct:

Booking type

Please tell us how you want to get your car to the supplier.

Select the service you require*

Please be advised the repair agent may require you to produce the following

  • Valid driving licence
  • Valid insurance certificate
  • DVLA data code
For more information please visit

Collection Address:

Please note that the collection address provided will also be used for the return delivery address. Vehicles are collected before 11am and are delivered back by 5pm the same day.

Select date

Selecting multiple dates makes it more likely that your booking will be fulfilled on one of your preferred dates. If you can’t find a suitable booking slot, please contact the dealer directly.

Contact details

For further booking information please refer to our advice and guidance page.
For information on how we process your personal data, please refer to our privacy policy

Booking request summary

Please review your booking details and confirm your booking.

Registration number:
Service required:
Repair details:
Booking type:
Drop off and collection by customer
Collection and delivery
Drop off with Courtesy Vehicle
Collection Address:
Supplier address:
Supplier telephone:
Preferred date 1:
Preferred date 2:
Preferred date 3:
Contact number:
Email address:

Booking success

Thank you, your booking request has been submitted, we will confirm your request details shortly.

My Vehicle

Search for approved suppliers in your area by entering your vehicle registration below.

Your vehicle

This is not my vehicle

Supplier search

Please enter the postcode where you would like your service. We will display local suppliers' contact details so that you can choose who to use and contact them directly.

Distance: Miles
Call direct: